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29333 Results

Name Source Clonality &
Host &
Method Reactivity Immunogen/
Specificity Availability
APP, APLP, AICD From labs (1)
C1/6.1(Paul Mathews, New York University, School of Medicine,Center for Dementia Research)Research paperReferences:Pavlov PF, 2010Jiang Y., 2010Loane, 2009Hoe, 2009 monoclonal
- Human, Mouse immunogen = synthetic peptide, first 20 amino acids of the C-terminal, cytoplasmic domain of APP (residues 676–695 of APP695) recognizes full length APP and APP CTFs -
APP, APLP, AICD From manufacturers (6)
Epitomics monoclonal
(liquid, Tris-Glycine, NaCl, Glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic peptide corresponding to residues in the NPXY motif of human APP specifically recognizes APP and its isoforms; will not recognize either of the two Amyloid Beta Protein (Aβ4) variants, Aβ1 -40 or Aβ1 -42 -
Calbiochem EMD Biosciences polyclonal
(liquid, neat serum, no preservative)
- Human immunogen = synthetic peptide (Y E V H H Q K L V F F A E D V) corresp. to aa 44-63 of human APP APP (~110-135 kDa) -
Abcam monoclonal
(liquid, supernatant, azide)
- Cow, Pig, Human, Monkey immunogen = synthetic peptide corresp. to aa 1-17 of the mature human Amyloid Precursor Protein, conjugated to KLH. reacts with β-amyloid peptide and secreted APP (alpha-secretase cleaved); has very weak recognition of full length APP and we do not recommend it for this purpose; does however strongly recognize alpha-secretase cleaved soluble APP as well as b-amyloid peptide (40 and 42) -
Zymed/ Invitrogen polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from the C-terminal region of the human and mouse amyloid-β precursor protein (APP695) APP full length (~100kDa) and C99 C-terminal cleavage frag (~10-12kDa); cross-react with APLP2 -
Zymed/ Invitrogen polyclonal
(affinity purified, PBS, azide)
- Pig, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide of 22 aa from the C-terminus of human β-APP All three forms of full length APP and N-terminal truncated forms of β-APP. Detects C-terminal membrane fragment of β-APP that remains after α -or β-secretase cleavage -
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, azide, purified)
- Fish (various), Dog, Pig, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat immunogen = purified rhN-terminal epitope (aa 66-81) on the pre-A4 molecule, fusion protein human pre-A4 APP; recognizes all three isoforms of APP, immature ~110kDa, sAPP ~120kDa, and mature ~130kDa; cross reacts with APLP2 -
Acetylcholine Receptor & Related From manufacturers (1)
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(affinity purified Ig, liquid, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Avian (various), Chicken, Opossum, Human, Monkey, Guinea Pig, Mouse, Rat immunogen = human placental enzyme ChAT in cholinergic neurons in the brain and central nervous systems -
Actin Related From manufacturers (2)
Invitrogen Corporation monoclonal
(liquid ascites, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = Actin synthetic peptide α isoform of smooth muscle actin; no cross reaction with skeletal and cardiac actin, mesenchymal cells, epithelial cells or other cytoskeletal components -
Sigma Aldrich polyclonal
(buffered aqueous solution, PBS, BSA, azide, affinity isolated)
- Various species immunogen = The C-terminal actin fragment (C11 peptide, Ser-Gly-Pro-Ser-Ile-Val -His-Arg-Lys-Cys-Phe) attached to Multiple Antigen Peptide (MAP) backbone). useful for studying actin structure and function and to probe binding sites of actin-binding proteins -
Amyloid-β From labs (6)
A11(paper comparing A11 and OC antibodies;source paper for A11; Charles G Glabe, University of California, Irvine)References:Lefterov, 2010 polyclonal
- Human immunogen = soluble Amyloid oligomers generic epitope common to prefibrillar oligomers and not fibrils, monomers or natively folded precursor proteins. Stains small focal or punctuate deposits in AD tissue does not stain diffuse plaques or other plaque types. Stains Aβ and polyQ prefibrillar oligomers. -
OC(paper on antibodies;paper on oligimerization; Charles G Glabe, University of California, Irvine)References:Lefterov, 2010Clinton, 2010Blurton-Jones, 2009 polyclonal
- Human immunogern = a morphologically homogeneous population of Aβ42 fibrils specifically recognizes fibrils, but not random coil monomer or prefibrillar oligomers; also recognizes 100,000 × G soluble fibrillar oligomers ranging in size from dimer to greater than 250 kDa on western blots. The fibrillar oligomers recognized by OC are immunologically distinct from prefibrillar oligomers recognized by A11, even though their sizes overlap broadly -
IC16(Claus U. Pietrzik,Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, MolecularNeurodegeneration, Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany)paper)Reference: Richter L, 2010 monoclonal
- Human immunogen = synthetic human Ab peptide 1–16, cross-linked to keyhole limpet hemocyanin recognizes residues 1-16 of Amyloid β. Hybridoma cells were generated by standard procedures and screened for recognition of HSA cross-linked to Ab 1-16by ELISA; recognition of synthetic Ab 1–42 ona standardized dot blot procedure was confirmed and the epitope mapped to Ab 1–8 using a peptide array spanning the entire sequence of Ab -
BAP-17(Manfred Brockhaus, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basel,Paper) monoclonal
(purified from spent hybridoma medium and conjugated to horseradish peroxidase)
- Human immunogen = the peptide CMVGGVV conjugatedto keyhole limpet hemocyanin specific for Aβ40; no cross-reactivity observed with Ab39, Ab42 or Ab43. Ab41 showed a signal accounting for about10% of the cognate Ab40 signal -
BAP-15(Manfred Brockhaus, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basel,Paper)Reference: Richter L, 2010 monoclonal
(purified from spent hybridoma medium and conjugated to horseradish peroxidase)
- Human immunogen = the peptide CGGVVIA conjugatedto keyhole limpet hemocyanin specific for Aβ42; no cross-reactivity observed with Ab39, Ab40 or Ab43. Ab41 showed a signal accounting for about10% of the cognate Ab42 signal -
BAN-50(N Suzuki,Takada Chemical Industries)References:Wang S, 2010Fukumoto, 2010Suzuki, 1994 monoclonal
- Human, Mouse raised against Aβ 1-16 (epitope at aa 1-10) amyloid-beta -
Amyloid-β From manufacturers (3)
Genetics Company, Inc. monoclonal
(liquid, supernatant, stabilizing solution, affinity purified, conj. HRP)
- Dog, Human, Guinea Pig, Mouse, Rat, Cynomolgus C-terminal epitope mapping corr. to amino acid residues 31-40 of human Aβ peptide recognizes Aβ-peptide, aa 31-40; selective for C-terminal of Aβ 1-40; not Aβ 1-38, Aβ 1-39, Aβ 1-42, Aβ 1-43 or Aβ 1-44 -
Genetics Company, Inc. monoclonal
(liquid, stabilizing solution, no azide, affinity purified, conj. HRP)
- Dog, Human, Guinea Pig, Mouse, Rat, Cynomolgus immunogen = Aβ 1-42 peptide at the C-terminus C-terminal of Aβ 1-42 peptide; not Aβ 1-38, Aβ 1-39, Aβ 1-40; low cross reactivity to Aβ 43 (10%)and Aβ 44 (13%) -
Genetics Company, Inc. monoclonal
(supernatant IgG, Tris, azide, affinity purifiedAlso available Biotin or peroxidase conjugated)
- Human N-terminal: Epitope mapping corr. to amino acid residues 4-10 of human Aβ-peptide High affinity to the N-terminal of human Amyloid β peptides Aβ 1-38, Aβ 1-39, Aβ 1-40, Aβ 1-43 and Aβ 1-44 -
Apolipoproteins From manufacturers (2)
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide, blocking peptide)
- Mouse, Rat immunogen = a peptide mapping at the carboxy terminus of mouse ApoE Apo E -
Rockland polyclonal
(liquid, sterile filtered, borate, NaCl, EDTA, azide, affinity purified)
- Mouse immunogen = ApoA-I isolated from mouse plasma, HPLC purification reacts with mouse apoLipoprotein A-I and has negligible cross-reactivity with Type A-II, B, C-I, C-II, C-III, E and J apoLipoproteins -
Aβ Degrading Enzymes From manufacturers (2)
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(serum, liquid)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = rat Neprilysin Neprilysin -
R&D Systems polyclonal
(lyophilized, PBS, trehalose, filtered, affinity purifiedAlso available biotinylated asCat# BAF1784)
- Human immunogen = purified, NS0-derived, recombinant human Endothelin-Coverting Enzyme-1 recognizes human ECE-1 -
COX1, COX2, COX3, COX IV From manufacturers (2)
Cell Signaling polyclonal
(liquid, protein-A purified, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol)
- Bovine, Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic peptide corresponding to residues surrounding Lys29 of human COX IV detects endogenous levels of total COX IV protein -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, protein-A purified, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, azide.Also available Biotinylated, cat# 6014HRP conj., cat# 5247Alexa Fluor® 488 conj., cat# 4853)
- Bovine, Zebra fish, Pig, Human, Monkey, Rat immunogen = synthetic peptide corresponding to residues surrounding Lys29 of human COX IV detects endogenous levels of total COX IV protein -
Calcium related From manufacturers (2)
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(liquid, rabbit serum)
- Human, Mouse, Rat Immungoen = synthetic peptide from human Ryanodine Receptor 3 detects Ryanodine Receptor 3 -
Pierce Thermo Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, purified, azide)
- Amphibian (various), Fish (various), Bovine, Dog, Ovine, Primate (various), Rabbit, Human, Mouse, Rat Immungoen = partially purified chicken pectoral muscle ryanodine receptor detects Ryanodine Receptor R1 and R2 -
Cell Adhesion From manufacturers (1)
BD Transduction monoclonal
(ascites, affinity purified, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Chicken, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = mouse N-Cadherin aa. 802-819 130 kDa N-Cadherin -
Cell Death From manufacturers (1)
BD Pharmingen monoclonal
(aqueous buffered liquid, azide.Also available Alexa Fluor® 488 conj., cat# 560263;Alexa Fluor® 555 conj., cat# 558700;Alexa Fluor® 647 conj., cat# 558709)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = rat Cytochrome C recognizes the native and not the denatured form of Cytochrome c; binds to a region around residue 62 of rat cytochrome c -
Cytoskelatal Proteins From manufacturers (2)
Abcam polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, BSA, PBS, azide)
- Dog, Human, Rat immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from a region of human cofilin that contains serine 3; sequence is conserved in mouse and rat detects cofilin protein phosphorylized at Serine 3 -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(mono: liquid, HEPES, BSA, glycerol, azide;poly: liquid, protein-A affinity purified, HEPES, saline, BSA, glycerol, azide;)
- Bovine, Pig, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = a synthetic phosphopeptide corresponding to residues surrounding Ser19 of human myosin light chain 2 detect endogenous levels of myosin light chain 2 (smooth muscle) only when phosphorylated at serine 19. These antibodies do not cross-react with the cardiac isoform of myosin light chain 2 -
Dopamine & Related From manufacturers (1)
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(liquid, Ig, affinity purified, HEPES, BSA, glycerol)
- Mammal (various) immunogen = denatured tyrosine hydroxylase from rat pheochromo cytoma reacts with tyrosine hydroxylase; ~62 kDa by WB;not on paraffin embedded human tissue -
ER Chaperones From manufacturers (1)
Sigma Aldrich polyclonal
(liquid, IgG fraction, buffered aqueous solution, PBS, azide)
- Dog, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C-terminus of human calnexin (amino acids 573-592) conjugated to KLH detects Calnexin -
G-protein Related From manufacturers (1)
Stressgen Enzo Life Sciences polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide, glycerol)
- Bovine, Dog, Human, Monkey, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Mouse, Rat immunogen = synthetic peptide corresponding to a portion of human Rab5 detects Rab 5A, 26 kDa by WB -
GSK-3α & GSK-3β From manufacturers (2)
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, saline, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat immunogen = a synthetic phosphopeptide corresponding to residues around Ser9 of human GSK-3β recognizes endogenous levels of GSK-3 only when phosphorylated at Ser9 of GSK-3β may cross weakly with the phosphorylated form of GSK-3α due to high sequence homology -
BD Transduction monoclonal
(aqueous buffered solution, glycerol, BSA, azide)
- Dog, Chicken, Human, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = rat GSK-3β, aa 1-160 detects GSK3β, 46 kDa -
Heat Shock Proteins From manufacturers (6)
Pierce Thermo Scientific unknown
Unknown Host
- Human - specific for HSP70-1 -
A B R - Thermo Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, protein-G affinity purified, PBS, azide)
- Bovine, Dog, Ovine, Porcine, Rabbit, Chicken, Human, Monkey, Guinea Pig, Hamster, Mouse, Rat, C. elegans, Drosophila immunogen = human Hsp70 purified from HeLa cells, corresponding to amino acids 436-503 specific for HSP-70; does not cross-react with Hsc70 -
A B R - Thermo Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, purified, PBS, azide)
- Avian (various), Amphibian (various), Fish (various), Yeast, Human, Mouse, Rat, Drosophila immunogen = human recombinant HSP70 over expressed in E. coli detects several members of the heat shock protein 70 kDa (HSP70) gene family including HSP70, HSC70 and, following heat shock, HSP72 -
A B R - Thermo Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, purified, PBS, azide)
- Avian (various), Amphibian (various), Fish (various), Yeast, Human, Mouse, Rat, Drosophila immunogen = human recombinant HSP70 over expressed in E. coli detects several members of the heat shock protein 70 kDa (HSP70) gene family including HSP70, HSC70 and, following heat shock, HSP72 -
A B R - Thermo Scientific monoclonal
(liquid, protein-G affinity purified, PBS, azide)
- Dog, Primate (various), Human, Mouse immunogen = Synthetic peptide corresponding to residues G(615) S G S S G T G E Q K E D Q K E E K Q(633) of mouse mtHSP70 detects mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 kDa (mtHSP70) -
BD Transduction monoclonal
(aqueous, buffered solution, BSA, azide, glycerol)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = human Hsp60 aa. 1-200 detects Hsp60 -
Histones & HDACs From manufacturers (1)
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human immunogen = epitope corresp. to aa 916-1215 mapping at the C-terminus of HDAC6 of human origin detects HDAC6, 160 kDa -
MAPKs From manufacturers (2)
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, HEPES, NaCl, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat Immunogen = synthetic peptide derived from the sequences of rat p44/42 MAP kinase Recognizes endogenous levels of total p44/42 MAP kinase (ERK1/2) protein. Does not cross-react with JNK/SAPK or p38 MAP kinase. -
Cell Signaling monoclonal
(liquid, BSA, HEPES, NaCl, glycerol, azide.See also Cat# 4374, Alexa Fluor® 488 Conjugate;Cat# 4375, Alexa Fluor® 647 Conjugate;)
- Bovine, Mink, Zebra fish, Pig, Human, Monkey, Hamster, Mouse, Rat, Drosophila Immunogen = synthetic phospho-peptide corresp. to residues surrounding Thr202/Tyr204 of human p44 MAP kinase Detects endogenous levels pf p44/42 MAP kinase (ERK1/2) dually phosphorylated at Thr202 and tyr204. Does not cross-react with the corresp. phospho-residues of SAPK/JNK or p38 MAP kinase -
Miscellaneous From manufacturers (3)
Acris Antibodies monoclonal
(liquid, supernatant, Tris/HCl, foetal calf serum, azide)
- Bovine, Human immunogen = purified Human Articular Cartilage Aggrecan recognizes epitopes within the N-terminal G1-IGD-G2 region of Aggrecan, that has been identified as a cluster 1 isoform -
Pierce Thermo Scientific polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, Tris-glycine, saline, azide)
- Primate (various), Human, Hamster, Mouse Immunogen = synthetic peptide corresponding to a region within residues 1-100 of human DRP1 (16986) or residues 500-600 of human DRP1 (16987) detects Dynamin related protein 1 -
Santa Cruz monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = amino acids 1093-1208 near the C-terminus of BAF170 of human origin detects BAF170 -
Neurofilaments From labs (15)
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 150kD NF 150 & 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, axonspecific, phosphatase insensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = chicken brain 150 & 200 kD, phosphatase sensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 150kD NF 150 & 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, axonspecific, phosphatase insensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 150kD NF 150 & 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, axonspecific, phosphatase insensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 150kD NF 150 & 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, axonspecific -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 150kD NF 150 & 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, axon& perikarya -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 150kD NF 150 & 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, axon& perikarya -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 150kD NF 150 & 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, axonspecific, phosphatase insensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = chicken brain Neurofilament NF 150 kD and GFAP, amino terminal rod, phosphatase insensitive,does not stain astrocytes -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = chicken brain NF 200 kD, axon specific, phosphatase sensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 200kD NF 200 kD, COOH terminal tail domain, phosphatase sensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 200kD NF 200 kD, cell bodies positive, phosphatase insensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 200kD NF 200 kD, cell bodies positive, phosphatase insensitive -
Dahl and Bignami Lab, William Patterson Universitycontact Eileen Gardner monoclonal

- - immunogen = bovine brain Neurofilament, 200kD NF 200 kD, phosphatase sensitive -
RMO24(Virginia Lee, U of Penn, CNDR, Philadelphia, PA)used in paper by Giasson, 2002 monoclonal

- -   phosphorylated NF heavy subunit -
Organelles From manufacturers (8)
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide corresp. to amino acids 1-145 representing full length Tom20 of human origin recognizes Tom20 -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = apeptide mapping within an internal region of OPA1 (dynamin family) of human origin. for detection of Optic atrophy 1 gene protein -
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(liquid, raw rabbit serum)
- Human, Mouse, Rat - recognizes mitofilin, mitochondrion inner membrane protein -
BD Transduction monoclonal
(aquaeous buffered solution, BSA, glycerol, azide, FITC conj.)
- Dog, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = Rat GM130, aa. 869-982 recognizes GM130, 130 kDa -
R&D Systems monoclonal
(filtered solution, protein-G affinity purified, PBS, trehalose, lyophilized)
- Human immunogen = purified, E. coli-derived, recombinant human High Temperature Requirement Protein-2 (rhHtrA2; aa 134-458) detects the mitochondria-processed form of endogenous human HtrA2/Omi. -
BD Transduction monoclonal
(Aqueous buffered solution, affinity purified, BSA, glycrol, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = rat Tim23 aa. 5-126. detects Tim23, 23 kDa by WB -
Sigma Aldrich polyclonal
(buffered aqueous solution, affinity isolated, PBS, azide)
- Mouse, Rat immunogen = a synthetic peptide corresponding to amino acid residues 404-415 of mouse LAMP2 with N-terminal added cysteine, conjugated to KLH detects LAMP-2 -
R&D Systems polyclonal
(filtered solution, affinity purified, PBS, trehalose, lyophilized)
- Human, Mouse immunogen = E. coli­derived recombinant human HTRA2/Omi Ala134­Glu45 detects full length and mitochondria ­processed HTRA2/Omi -
Phosphatases From manufacturers (1)
Upstate and Chemicon are Millipore monoclonal
(liquid, protein-A purified)
- Bovine, Human, Mouse, Rat, Xenopus, S. cerevisiae immunogen = A 16 residue synthetic peptide (C-RGEPHVTR RTPDYFL) corresponding to amino acids 295-309 of the 36 kDa catalytic subunit of human protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) recognizes PP2A catalytic subunit, Mr 36 kDa -
Plaque-Related From manufacturers (1)
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = apeptide mapping near the C-terminus of IDE of human origin. for detection of IDE -
Proteases From manufacturers (1)
BD Transduction monoclonal
(liquid, aqueous buffered solution, purified, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Human immunogen = aa. 173-359 of human cathepsin B detects cathepsin D -
Protein Trafficking From manufacturers (2)
- polyclonal
(liquid, delipidized antiserum)
- Bovine Immunogen = purified clathrin from bovine brain coated vesicles detects clathrin -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, PBS, azide, gelatin, affinity purified)
- Cow, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = a peptide mapping within an internal region of VPS35 of human origin detects VPS35 -
Secreted Neuropeptides & Receptors From manufacturers (2)
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(liquid, affinity purified IgG, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Dog, Pig, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = a peptide mapping at the C-terminus of Orexin-A of human origin for detection of Orexin-A processed active peptide -
Santa Cruz polyclonal
(affinity purified, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Cow, Human, Mouse, Rat immnuogen = a peptide mapping at the C-terminus of urocortin of rat origin detects urocortin -
Serotonin & Related From labs (1)
Cat# T7068 Reference: Morawski, 2010 monoclonal
(liquid, ascites fluid, azide)
- Rabbit, Human, Monkey, Rat immunogen = recombinant rabbit tryptophan hydroxylase reacts specifically with tryptophan hydroxylase, 55 kDa -
Sirtuins From manufacturers (4)
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, glycrol, azide, Protein G purified)
- Human Immunogen = peptide corresp. to aa 551-599 of human Sirt1 SIRT1(120kDa by WB). An additional unidentified band was detected (100 kDa). -
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore monoclonal
(liquid, Tris-Glycine, saline, BSA, glycrol, azide)
- Human Immunogen = synthetic peptide corresponding to residues near C-terminus and before Ala-rich domain of human Sir2 recognizes SIRT1(~110 kDa by WB); does not cross-react with other sirtuin family members. -
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore monoclonal
(liquid, purified, Tris-Glycine, saline, azide)
- Human, Mouse Immunogen = His-tagged recombinant protein corresponding to human SIRT1; mouse sequence is 100% identical to immunogen recognizes SIRT1 -
Chemicon and Upstate are Millipore polyclonal
(liquid, purified, Tris-Glycine, saline, azide, glycerol)
- Human, Mouse Immunogen = His-tagged fusion protein corresponding to amino acids 1-131 of mouse Sir2α recognizes SIRT1, ~110 kDa -
Synaptic Vesicle Fusion From manufacturers (1)
DAKO monoclonal
(purified ascites, Tris-HCL, BSA, azide.Also available as ready-to-use, IR776; ready-to-use with Dako Autostainer /Autostainer Plus, IS776)
- Rabbit, Cow, Human, Guinea Pig, Mouse, Rat immunogen = crude fractions of coated vesicles from bovine brain (located to a pentapeptide repeat structure in the carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic tail of synaptophysin) labels neuronal structures, notably at the synapses; cells display a cytoplasmic staining pattern; useful tool for the identification of a wide spectrum of neuroendocrine neoplasms of the neural type, including neuroblastomas, ganglioneuroblastomas,ganglioneuromas, pheochromocytomas, and paragangliomas. -
Tau From labs (3)
Ab708Li Gan, Gladstone Institute of Neurological DiseaseAssistant Professor of NeurologyUniversity of California, San FranciscoReference: Min SW, 2010 polyclonal
- Human, Rat immunogen = a synthetic tau peptide (amino acids 160–182 for 2N4R tau isoform) containing acetylated lysines at positions 163 and 174 and 180 Ab708 specifically recognizes tau acetylated by p300 under cell-free conditions. In HEK293T cells transfected with tau, overexpression of p300 markedly elevatedthe levels of ac-tau detected with Ab708 while the increase in the levels of t-tau was modest, suggesting that Ab708 preferentially recognizes p300-induced ac-tau in cultured cells. Ab708 recognizes human tau acetylated at positions 163, 174, or 180 and possibly other acetylated lysines on tau, but not nonacetylated tau -
9ABLi Gan, Gladstone Institute of Neurological DiseaseAssistant Professor of NeurologyUniversity of California, San FranciscoReference: Min SW, 2010 polyclonal
- Human, Mouse immunogen = the microtubule-binding region aa 264–287 (ENLKHQPGGG VQIINKLDLSNV), which is 100% conserved between mouse and human 9AB recognizes recombinant tau acetylated by GST-p300, but not tau incubated with GST alone, suggesting that 9AB does not cross-react with non-ac-tau. 9AB also preferentially recognizes p300-induced ac-tau in cultured cells. In mouse brains, 9AB detected low levels of ac-tau. Does not recognize nonacetylated recombinant tau -
Philip Dolan, Prothena Biosciences, South San Francisco, CA monoclonal
- Mammal (various), Human, Zebra fish, Drosophila, C. elegans immunogen = tau phosphorylated at S262 in KXGS motif of the 4th repeat and/or Ser356 tau phosphorylated at S262 and/or S356 -
Tau From manufacturers (6)
Abcam monoclonal
(liquid, IgG fraction, PBS, azide.For BSA and azide free, see ab80579)
- Human immunogen = purified bovine microtubule associated proteins specific to 45-68 kDa proteins identified as tau proteins; no cross with tubulin or other MAPs; phospho. as well as non-phospho. forms of tau -
Biosource Invitrogen polyclonal
(purified Ig, PBS, BSA, azide, glycerol, unconjugated)
- Human human tau-derived peptide that is phosphorylated at threonine 205 tau phosphorylated at threonine 205 -
Biosource Invitrogen polyclonal
(purified Ig, PBS, BSA, azide, glycerol, unconjugated)
- Human human tau-derived peptide that is phosphorylated at serine 422 tau phosphorylated at serine 422 -
Pierce Thermo Scientific monoclonal
(supernatant, affinity purified, no carrier or preservativeAlso available biotin conj., MN-1050B)
- Human immunogen == partially purified human PHF tau, aa. around phosphorylated Thr181 PHF tau, tamgles and neurofilaments; no cross with recomb. unphospho tau; weak cross with normal tau -
DAKO polyclonal
(serum, purified Ig fraction, azide)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = C-terminal part of human tau protein expressed in E. coli; aa. 243-441, contains the four repeated sequences involved in microtubule binding (MTB) reacts with tau protein and with tau from Alzheimer paired helical filaments; also MAP2; well-suited for gel immunoprecipitation techniques -
Biosource Invitrogen polyclonal
(affinity purified Ig, Dulbecco's PBS, BSA, glycerol, unconjugated)
- Human phospho peptide derived from the region of human Tau that contains serine 214 detects tau phosphorylated at serine 204; no cross with non phosphorylated tau -
Tools From manufacturers (3)
Sigma Aldrich polyclonal
(affinity purified, buffered aqueous solution, IgG, PBS, BSA, azide)
- Non-specific immunogen = Synthetic FLAG sequence containing peptide DYKDDDDK-GC conjugated through a terminal cysteine thiol to maleimide-activated KLH recognizes the FLAG epitope located onFLAG fusion proteins; reacts with Nterminal,N-terminal-Met, and C-terminal FLAG fusion proteins -
Clontech, a Takara Bio company monoclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, PBS, filter-sterilized)
- Mammal (various), Microorganism (various) immunogen = Aequorea victoria green fluorescentprotein (EGFP) recognizes native and denatured forms of wild-type GFP, GFPuv, EGFP, destabilized EGFP variants, EBFP, EYFP, ECFP, AcGFP, and both N- and C-terminal fusion proteins containing these GFP variants in bacterial and mammalian cell lysates -
Clontech, a Takara Bio company monoclonal
(liquid, affinity purified, Tris-HCl, azide)
- Mammal (various), Microorganism (various) immunogen = recomb. full-lengthAequorea victoria green fluorescentprotein (rGFP) reacts with wild-type GFP, GFPuv, EGFP, destablizedEGFP variants, EBFP, EYFP, ECFP andboth N- and C-terminal fusion proteinscontaining these GFP variants -
Transcription Factors From manufacturers (1)
Santa Cruz monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, azide, gelatin)
- Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = amino acids 464-832 of p300/CBP-associated factor (PCAF) of human origin reacts with PCAF, 89 kDa; non cross-reactive with GCN5 -
Tubulin From manufacturers (1)
R&D Systems monoclonal
(supernate, protein-A or G-purified, PBS, trehalose, filtered, lyophilized)
- Mammal (various), Chicken immunogen = microtubules derived from rat brain neuron specific class III β tubulin; not other β-tubulin in glial cells. Stains neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, axons and axonal terminations -
γ-secretase/ Presenilins From manufacturers (2)
BD Transduction monoclonal
(liquid, PBS, BSA, glycerol, azide)
- Dog, Chicken, Human, Mouse, Rat immunogen = peptide corresp. to aa 168-289 from human nicastrin nicastrin (~110 kDa) -
Calbiochem EMD Biosciences polyclonal
(liquid, undiluted serum, no preservative)
- Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat immunogen = recomb. protein containing aa 1-65 of human presenilin 1 fused to GST Recognizes the presenilin 1 (1-65) holoprotein and its N-terminal fragments -