Fillit HM, O'Connell AW, Brown WM, Altstiel LD, Anand R, Collins K, Ferris SH, Khachaturian ZS, Kinoshita J, Van Eldik L, Dewey CF. Barriers to drug discovery and development for Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord. 2002;16 Suppl 1:S1-8. PubMed.
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Here are few must-read references. They will help one to realize that one of the most important barriers is amyloid dogma: Please see the following comments related to this article: Alzheimer’s anti-amyloid vaccination and statins: two approaches, one dogma. The time for change. Koudinov and Koudinova BMJ 20 March 2002 [ Full Text ] Alzheimer's disease and amyloid beta protein Koudinov AR et al Science online, Published 25 June 2002 [ Full Text ] Dangers of the amyloid-beta vaccination. Smith MA et al. Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 2002 Jul;104(1):110 [ PubMed ] Call for Elan to publish Alzheimer's trial details Bishop et al. Nature. 416(6882): 677, 2002 Apr 18. [ PubMed ] Alternatives to the suspended Alzheimer's disease vaccine. Bergmann J, Kienzl E, Janetzky B, Preddie E, Jellinger KA. Acta Neuropathol (Berl). 2002 Jul ; 104(1):111-2 [ PubMed ]
Smith MA, Joseph JA, Atwood CS, Perry G. Dangers of the amyloid-beta vaccination. Acta Neuropathol. 2002 Jul;104(1):110. PubMed.
Bishop GM, Robinson SR, Smith MA, Perry G, Atwood CS. Call for Elan to publish Alzheimer's trial details. Nature. 2002 Apr 18;416(6882):677. PubMed.
Bergmann J, Kienzl E, Janetzky B, Preddie E, Jellinger KA. Alternatives to the suspended Alzheimer's disease vaccine. Acta Neuropathol. 2002 Jul;104(1):111-2. PubMed.
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