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Stave off Your Tangles...with Pin1?

The prolyl isomerase Pin1 protects against tau-mediated, age-dependent neurodegeneration, according to a study in the July 31 Nature. Kun Ping Lu, at Harvard Medical School, and his colleagues combine human postmortem data in AD brains with a Pin1 knockout mouse...

NSAIDs and AD—Prevention Better Than Cure?

Despite evidence that NSAIDS do little to help those already suffering from Alzheimer's disease, a report in the British Medical Journal supports the contention that they may stave off Alzheimer’s, or at least slow its progression...

Talking Fish Fat And Cholesterol

Bored with the same old foods you tend to eat? Consider adding more fish and some specific plant products. Two recent studies suggest that not only would this liven up your diet, but it might also lower risk of developing...

Notch Found Essential for Learning and Memory

In the July 8 issue of Current Biology, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, and Kyoto University, Japan, reveal that mice carrying a mutated version of the Notch gene suffer from spatial learning and memory defects...

Institute for the Study of Aging Symposium

PET Diagnosis Poised for Prime Time? FDA Wants Consensus, Better Trials ApoE Catalyst Conference Explores Drug Development Opportunities Institute for the Study of Aging Symposium

Human Tau Is No Help to Worms

Human tau—whether normal or a disease-causing mutant—does not make for a healthy <em>C. elegans</em>. In the Early Edition of PNAS, Gerry Schellenberg and colleagues report that both types of transgenic tau lead to behavioral, synaptic, and pathologic abnormalities in the worms...

What Exactly Does the DJ Do?

Tao et al. and Honbou et al. recently reported the crystal structure of DJ-1 at resolutions of 1.8 and 1.95 Ångstroms, respectively (see <a href="/news/research-news/spotlight-dj-crystal-structure-solved-parkinsons-protein">ARF related news story</a>), but the latest report by Greg Petsko and colleagues in the July 10 PNAS Early Edition online, tops that by almost another Ångstrom.

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