Research Models

Commonly Used Mouse Models

Name Genes Mutations Modification Disease Neuropathology Behavior/Cognition Visualization Promoter/Regulatory Elements Genetic Background Strain Name Other Phenotypes Availability Primary Paper
APP APP K670_M671delinsNL (Swedish), APP V717I (London) APP: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease Age-associated pathology in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus starting at 8 and 10½-12½ months of age, respectively. Gliosis and hyperphosphorylated tau in the vicinity of dense-core plaques. Fibrillar oligomeric species, e.g., Aβ dimers. No transgene-related deficits seen in Morris water maze (4, 12, 21, 24, months of age) or fixed consecutive-number (23 months of age) tests. Yes 129S6FVB F1 Reduced body weight at 24-27 months relative to non-Tg littermates and those expressing only tTA. Available through Karen Ashe Liu et al., 2015
MAPT MAPT P301L MAPT: Transgenic Frontotemporal Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease Propagating tau pathology starting in the entorhinal cortex and spreading to regions functionally connected to the EC (e.g., dentate gyrus). Neurodegeneration and axonal degeneration, first in EC and parasubiculum. Gliosis and synaptic loss. Subtle cognitive deficit in contextual fear conditioning, but not in the radial arm maze, at 16 months. Mild specific deficit in locomotor activity in the open field test. Yes 4510 mice are on an FVB background. Neuropsin-tTA mice are on a C57BL/6 background. No apparent change in anxiety as assessed by the open field test. Reduced Arc induction in the hippocampus after contextual fear conditioning. Subtle differences in basal synaptic transmission with enhanced axonal excitability. de Calignon et al., 2012
MAPT MAPT K280del MAPT: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease, Frontotemporal Dementia Tau aggregates and tangles as early as 2-3 months after gene expression. Gallyas silver-positive neurons abundant in the entorhinal cortex and amygdala, spreading to the neocortex by 15 months. “Ballooned” neurons. Astrogliosis. Synaptic structural changes and reduced synaptic number. Hippocampal neuronal loss. Reversible learning and memory deficits in the Morris water maze and passive avoidance test. No significant motor deficit, although slight reduction in Rotarod performance. Yes C57BL/6 Missorting of tau into the somato-dendritic compartment. Calcium dysregulation at synaptic boutons. Deficits in synaptic plasticity, including LTP and LTD. Unknown Mocanu et al., 2008