Research Models

Commonly Used Mouse Models

Name Genes Mutations Modification Disease Neuropathology Behavior/Cognition Visualization Promoter/Regulatory Elements Genetic Background Strain Name Other Phenotypes Availability Primary Paper
APP, NOS2 APP K670_M671delinsNL (Swedish), APP E693Q (Dutch), APP D694N (Iowa) APP: Transgenic; NOS2: Knock-Out Alzheimer's Disease Plaques especially in the thalamus and subiculum. Aggregated, hyperphosphorylated tau tangles. Neuronal loss especially of NPY neurons in the hippocampus and subiculum. More severe pathology than Tg-SwDI alone. Severe learning and memory deficits. Impaired spatial memory compared to Tg-SwDI as measured by the radial arm maze and the Barnes maze at 52-56 weeks. Yes C57BL/6J; C57BL/6N B6.Cg-Nos2tm1Lau Tg(Thy1-APPSwDutIowa)BWevn/Mmjax Decreased neuropeptide Y staining throughout the hippocampus, particularly in the CA3 region and subiculum. The Jackson Lab; available through the JAX MMRRC Stock# 034849; Cryopreserved. Charles River: CVN mouse Colton et al., 2008, Wilcock et al., 2008
APP, PSEN1 APP K670_M671delinsNL (Swedish), PSEN1 M146L (A>C) APP: Transgenic; PSEN1: Transgenic Alzheimer's Disease Aβ accumulates in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus starting ~6 months and increasing with age. Other regions affected later. Deposition occurs in white matter,  cerebrovasculature, and grey matter in the form of diffuse and fibrillar plaques. Fibrillar deposits are associated with dystrophic neurites and GFAP-positive astrocytes at ~ 6 months with later microglial activation. Progressive impairment between 5–7 and 15–17 months in some tests of cognitive performance, but not others. No change in anxiety levels. Yes B6/D2/Swe/SJL mixed background Selective increase in brain Aβ42(43) in the double transgenics (41% increase at 6 weeks) compared to Tg2576 single transgenic, which had unchanged Aβ40 and Aβ42(43) at this age. Tg2576: Taconic (Stock #001349) and Charles River; PS1(M146L): University of South Florida Technology Transfer Office. The CRO PsychoGenics offers research services with Tg2576 and the double transgenic line. Holcomb et al., 1998