. Evaluation of Aducanumab for Alzheimer Disease: Scientific Evidence and Regulatory Review Involving Efficacy, Safety, and Futility. JAMA. 2021 May 4;325(17):1717-1718. PubMed.


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  1. Why doesn't Biogen take the learning from the first two trials and carefully design a trial that can support their contention of efficacy? If they are as certain as their press releases indicate (some of them targeting patients and their families), then this trial is the safest investment that they have ever made. I understand that it would be costly, but there is no need for PR and lobbying if the data is clear. All of us want breakthrough medicine for AD patients and their families, but the approval of a marginal (at best) or ineffective treatment would be a disaster in the long term. Please run another trial.

    View all comments by Peter Lansbury

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