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Clonality: polyclonal
Host: Rabbit
Source: Anawa
Cat #
supplied by Biotrend
Formulation: Ig fraction, lyophilized
Reacts in: Sheep
immunogen = Cyclooxygenase-2 purified from ovine brain
purified and crude COX-2
No Available References
Further Reading
- New Strategies for Early Diagnosis of AD
- One-Shot Deal? Mice Regain Memory Day After Vaccination, Plaques Stay Put
- In Healthy Brains, Does Aβ Really Matter?
- SfN: How to Dispose of Plaques? Closing Spigot Won’t Do; Enzymes Nibble
- Do Aβ and APP Team up to Kill Neurons?
- Beyond Aβ: Other APP Fragments Affect Neuron Health and Disease
- APP in Pieces: βCTF implicated in Endosome Dysfunction
- Going It Alone—APP, BACE1 Take Distinct Routes to Endosome
- Lysosomal Block Clogs Transport, Swells Neurites
- The Human Connectome Project: Deciphering the Brain’s Wiring
- The Many Faces of LRRK2
- Do "Silent" Seizures Cause Network Dysfunction in AD?
- Paper Alert: γ-Secretase Modulators Trump Inhibitors
- Aβ and AβPP—Separating the Wheat from the Chaff
- San Diego: Pilin’ on the Pyro, Aβ Going Rogue
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