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Clonality: polyclonal
Host: Rabbit
Isotype: IgG
Source: A B R - Thermo Scientific
Cat# OPA1-01130
Formulation: affinity purified PBS, azide
Reacts in: Human


immunogen = synthetic peptide, C Q R R P R D P E V V N D E S S (aa. 496-511) of human β-secretase 2


~75 kDa β-secretase 2

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Further Reading


  1. San Diego: Pilin’ on the Pyro, Aβ Going Rogue
  2. San Diego: A New Tack on Insulin-Based Therapies?
  3. San Diego: Subcortical Blues—Locus Ceruleus in AD, Neurodegeneration
  4. San Diego: Across the Great Divide—Strategies for Spinal Cord Repair
  5. St. Louis: Imaging Preclinical AD—Can You See it Coming in the Brain?
  6. San Diego: What—3 Percent? Money Woes Trump Science at SfN
  7. San Diego: Tau Oligomer Antibodies Relieve Motor Deficits in Mice
  8. San Diego: TDP-43 Targets Loom Large—But Where’s the Bull’s Eye?
  9. San Diego: ALS Research Goes to the Dogs
  10. San Diego: Aβ Oligomers Seen, With ApoE, at Synapses of Human Brain
  11. San Diego: ApoE, Aβ, and AD—Strengthening the Synaptic Connection
  12. San Diego: The Curious Case of ApoE, Cholesterol, and Cognition
  13. San Diego: Researchers Rejuvenate Neurons to Bridge Spinal Cord Gaps
  14. San Diego: Flexible N-Termini Key to Aβ42 Oligomer Toxicity?
  15. San Diego: Stimulating Autophagy Improves Symptoms in Mice
  16. San Diego: Tweakers and Tweezers—Grappling with Novel Aβ Therapies
  17. San Diego: Progranulin, Wnt, and Frizzled, Frazzle Neurons in FTD
  18. San Diego: Mutant SOD1 Bumps Mitochondrial Current Up—Or Down?
  19. San Diego: The Future of AD—Can We Vaccinate?
  20. Philadelphia: All Eyes on PIB Imaging—Is It Coming Along?
  21. Toronto: Human Amyloid Imaging Conference Showcases a Maturing Field