331159 RESULTS

Steven Paul

Voyager Therapeutics
Cambridge , United States

PS1 P264L

RESEARCH MODELS Summary The PS1 P264L knock-in mouse line was derived using a two-step mutagenesis strategy similar to that used to generate the TgAPPSwe-KI line (Reaume et al., 1996). An advantage to this model is the mutant PSEN1 is expressed at normal levels and under


RESEARCH MODELS Summary This model was generated using a gene-targeting strategy designed to enhance the production of human Aβ in the mouse brain without changing APP synthesis. Site-specific mutations were introduced into exon 16 of the mouse APP gene to humanize the A


RESEARCH MODELS Summary These mice were generated to determine how BACE overexpression affects the processing of APP in vivo. Two transgenic lines were reported (BACE54/4 and BACE54/11) both expressing human BACE at high levels in the brain. Human BACE mRNA was approxima

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